Important Information for
New Residents
Every property within the boundaries of Whitemud Creek is a mandatory member of the WCHA. On each title there is a registered encumbrance securing an annual membership association fee, and a caveat protecting architectural controls and guidelines.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH PROPERTY OWNER TO ENSURE THE MEMBERSHIP FEES ON THEIR PROPERTY ARE PAID AND THE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLS AND GUIDELINES ARE ADHERED TO. It is prudent for a buyer to verify the encumbrance and caveat status on any intended purchase. Failure to do so may result in the new property owner assuming any outstanding account balance and liabilities towards violated architectural controls and guidelines once title has been transferred. To verify the status for a specific property and the annual HOA fee, please email [email protected].
Any change in ownership must be reported to the WCHA. Failure to do so may result in additional costs charged against the offending property.
Welcome Brochure
For our new Whitemud Creek residents, please view and print off our NEW Welcome Brochure.
Whitemud Creek Brochure (print version)
For general information, please email us at: [email protected]